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Publié le mercredi 5 juillet 2023


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Laser imaging could offer early detection for at-risk artwork
29 avril
Look closely at Impressionist paintings in museums compared with photos of them taken 50 years ago, and you might notice something odd : Some are losing their bright yellow hues.
New system boosts efficiency of quantum error correction
29 avril
The fragile qubits that make up quantum computers offer a powerful computational tool, yet also present a conundrum : How can engineers create practical, workable quantum systems out of bits that are so easily disturbed—and wiped of data—by tiny changes in their environment ?
Laser excitation of Th-229 nucleus : New findings suggest classical quantum physics and nuclear physics can be combined
29 avril
Physicists have been hoping for this moment for a long time : For many years, scientists all around the world have been searching for a very specific state of thorium atomic nuclei that promises revolutionary technological applications. It could be used, for example, to build a nuclear clock (…)
Advances in topological phase transition in organometallic lattices
29 avril
A research group led by Prof. Li Xingxing of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of Chinese Academy of Chinese (CAS) made a reversible topological control in 2D organometallic lattices achieved through tautomerization. Their work was published in Advanced Functional Materials.
Hydride research pushes frontiers of practical, accessible superconductivity
29 avril
Science is taking a step forward in the quest for superconductors that will not require ultra-high pressure to function, thanks to multinational research led by Xiaojia Chen at the University of Houston.
Quantum challenge to be solved one mile underground
29 avril
Radiation from space is a challenge for quantum computers as their computation time becomes limited by cosmic rays. Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and University of Waterloo in Canada are now going deep underground in the search for a solution to this problem—in a (…)
New tech enables deep tissue imaging during surgery
29 avril
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a state-of-the-art technique that captures and processes information across a given electromagnetic spectrum. Unlike traditional imaging techniques that capture light intensity at specific wavelengths, HSI collects a full spectrum at each pixel in an image. This (…)
Researchers discover ’topological Kerr effect’ in two-dimensional quantum magnets
29 avril
In a recent collaboration between the High Magnetic Field Center of the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Science and Technology of China, researchers introduced the concept of the topological Kerr effect (TKE) by utilizing the (…)
Physicists overcome two key operating hurdles in fusion reactions
29 avril
A team of physicists from several institutions across the U.S. working with a colleague from China, at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, in San Diego, California, has devised a way to overcome two key hurdles standing in the way of using fusion as a general power source.
When does a conductor not conduct ? Switching a 2D metal-organic framework from an insulator to a metal
29 avril
An Australian-led study has found unusual insulating behavior in a new atomically-thin material—and the ability to switch it on and off.
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